
Masked Man

The Masked Man is a henchman of Dr. Crombel, known for his docile personality and unwavering obedience. He is easily identified by his silver mask with a golden smile and his lab coat.

Quick Facts

  • What is the Masked Man's appearance?

    He wears a silver mask with a golden smile, has glowing yellow eyes, a black turtleneck, and a white lab coat.

  • What is the Masked Man's personality?

    Docile and obedient.

  • What is the Masked Man's affiliation?

    Union and Dr. Crombel.

  • What is the Masked Man's occupation?

    Henchman to Dr. Crombel.

  • What is the Masked Man's race?

    Modified Human



The Masked Man is characterized by his docile and obedient personality. He is depicted as a henchman who unquestioningly follows orders from Dr. Crombel, showing little to no independent thought or initiative. His personality is largely defined by his subservience and lack of individual agency.