In the comedic harem anime, "Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs," a young man named Kogarashi Fuyuzora moves into the titular hot spring inn, only to find it inhabited by quirky ghosts and other supernatural beings. The series follows the humorous interactions between Kogarashi and the inn's residents, notably the cheerful ghost girl Yuuna Yunohana.
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs follows Kogarashi Fuyuzora, who seeks refuge and employment at the Yuragi-sou hot spring inn due to unfortunate circumstances.
However, he quickly discovers the inn is home to a variety of ghosts and supernatural beings, including the energetic and friendly ghost girl, Yuuna Yunohana.
The story centers on the comedic daily life and interactions between Kogarashi and these residents, exploring their unique personalities and relationships.
Expect lighthearted humor, supernatural elements, and the development of various relationships among the eclectic cast of characters, including Sagiri Ameno, Nonko Arahabaki, Yaya Fushiguro, Chitose Nakai, Chisaki Miyazaki, and Oboro Shintou.
The series unfolds within the backdrop of the hot spring inn, setting the stage for various comedic scenarios and supernatural events.