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L Lawliet

Quick Facts

  • What is L's real name?

    L Lawliet

  • What is L's occupation?

    World-renowned detective

  • What is L's most notable physical characteristic?

    Dark circles under his eyes

  • What are some of L's quirks?

    Prefers to crouch, eats only sweets, uses only thumb and index finger to hold things

  • What is L's preferred way of sitting?

    With his feet on the chair

  • What is L's birthday?

    October 31, 1979 (manga)

  • What is L's height?

    179 cm

  • What is L's weight?

    50 kg

  • What is L's known alias?




Lavie is a self-confident and somewhat naive character. She possesses a strong sense of self-belief, considering herself a "special class ace," despite her poor academic performance. This contrast between her self-assessment and her actual abilities highlights a playful and perhaps slightly delusional aspect to her personality. Her interactions with other characters, particularly her teasing of Rosetta and her enthusiastic affection towards Tiara, reveal a warm and expressive nature, though potentially lacking in self-awareness in certain social situations.