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Sentarou Kotsubaki

Sentarou Kotsubaki, also known as Kentarou Higashikunimaru, is a shy but good-natured individual with a secret ambition for world domination and a crush on Eri Chusonji. He is a recurring character with an unknown age and background.

Quick Facts

  • What is Sentarou Kotsubaki known for?

    Being a rival genius inventor to Kiteretsu Sai.

  • What is Sentarou's relationship with Kiteretsu Sai?

    Best friend and rival.



Kotobuki is a shy and good-natured individual with a secret ambition: world domination. He harbors a crush on Eri Chusonji, which adds another layer to his personality. His seemingly contradictory traits – shyness and ambition – suggest a complex character with hidden depths.