

Levi Ackermann, known as “Humanity’s Strongest Soldier,” is the Squad Captain of the Special Operations Squad within the Scout Regiment. His exceptional combat skills and strategic mind make him invaluable to the Scouts. Hailing from the Underground City, he possesses a complex personality marked by his dedication to cleanliness and his unwavering loyalty to his comrades.

Quick Facts

  • What is Levi's full name?

    Levi Ackermann.

  • What is his title within the Scout Regiment?

    Squad Captain of the Special Operations Squad.

  • What is he known as?

    Humanity's Strongest Soldier.

  • What is his primary weapon?

    Omni-directional mobility gear and blades.

  • What is a defining characteristic of his personality?

    He is a clean freak.

  • What is his background?

    He was raised in the Underground City and had a criminal past before joining the Scout Regiment.

  • What is his primary motivation?

    To protect humanity and his comrades.

  • What is his fighting style?

    He is known for his exceptional speed, agility, and precision in combat, often utilizing a unique reverse-grip sword technique.



Levi is renowned for his exceptional cleanliness and sharp, often abrasive, demeanor. He rarely shows emotion, preferring bluntness and even insults in communication. Beneath this cold exterior, however, lies a deep sense of loyalty and empathy for his subordinates, whom he fiercely protects. His dedication to minimizing casualties and his profound respect for Erwin Smith highlight his strong moral compass. While ruthless towards Titans, he is capable of great compassion and self-reflection, as evidenced by his internal struggle upon learning the Titans’ possible human origins.


- **Omni-directional mobility gear (ODM) mastery:** Unparalleled skill in using ODM gear, surpassing all other soldiers. - **Exceptional combat skills:** Remarkable speed, agility, precision, and strategic thinking in combat. - **Unique swordsmanship:** Employs a reverse-grip technique for increased speed and efficiency. - **Physical strength:** Possesses significant physical strength despite his small stature. - **Tactical acumen:** Demonstrates exceptional ability to analyze situations and make quick, effective decisions.