Yelena, the kind and gentle Queen of Aytolis, prioritizes the safety of her children and kingdom above her own. A wise and just ruler, she is deeply concerned about her children's reluctance to inherit the throne. Despite her inability to fight, she displays remarkable courage and resilience in the face of adversity.
Quick Facts
What is Yelena's role?
Queen of Aytolis
What is Yelena's personality?
Kind, gentle, just, wise
What happened to Yelena during the invasion of Aytolis?
She was separated from her children and briefly held hostage.
What is Yelena's relationship with her children?
She is the mother of Rowan and Lianna.
Yelena is portrayed as a kind, gentle, and wise queen who prioritizes the safety and well-being of her children and kingdom above her own. She is a just ruler, troubled only by her children's reluctance to inherit the throne, yet she supports and watches over them with unwavering care. Despite her inability to fight, her courage and selflessness are evident in her actions, particularly her willingness to sacrifice herself to protect her children.